Advocacy Affiliations

Memberships and Alliances we endorse

Memberships of Other Associations

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF)

CHF is the national peak body representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers.

CHF member organisations reach thousands of Australian health consumers across a wide range of health interests and health system experiences. CHF policy is developed through consultation with members, ensuring that CHF maintains a broad, representative, health consumer perspective.

AIR is represented on CHF by Margaret Walsh OAM, AIR National Acting President.

Australian Communications Action Network (ACCAN)

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation representing individuals, small businesses and not-for-profit groups as consumers of communications products and services.
Its aim is to provide a strong unified voice to industry and Government in working towards availability, accessibility and affordability of communications for all Australians

.AIR contact for ACCAN is Margaret Walsh OAM, AIR National Acting President and member of the National Policy and Advocacy Committee.

National Aged Care Alliance (NACA)

This is the most comprehensive and Federal Government recognised aged care advisory body.  It is comprised of over fifty aged care organisations overseen by the Council of the Ageing (COTA).  NACA meets for two days each quarter, plus committee meetings.  Its Federal Government recognition includes Ministers and senior departmental staff attending and presenting at these meetings.

AIR is represented on NACA by Dr Annette Barbetti, member of the National Policy and Advocacy Committee.

Aged Care Council of Elders (ACCE)

Established by the Australian Government as part of governance arrangements for aged care reforms.  The Council plays a critical role in ensuring older Australians - who are most central to the aged care system - have input into shaping the aged care reforms.

AIR is represented on ACCE by Margaret Walsh OAM, AIR National Acting President and Board Member.