AIR’s Hot Topic
Advocacy is one of the most important functions undertaken by the Association. AIR advocates on behalf of its members based on policy positions across the core areas of Aged Care, Budget, Health, Super, Tax, General to advance and protect their interests and independent lifestyles.
Advocacy is undertaken in a variety of ways:
- Detailed formal submissions directly to decision makers
- Deputations
- Representations on Boards, Committee etc
- Presentations to Commissions, Inquiries etc
Advocacy is made across the full spectrum of jurisdictions i.e. Federal, State, Regional and Local Governments and statutory Commissions, Inquiries and NGO Agencies. In some cases advocacy is undertaken in conjunction with kindred organisations to bring the weight of numbers to issues of common interest. Over many years the advocacy undertaken by A.I.R. has brought about many benefits to fully and partially self-funded retirees.
Details of current and past advocacy AIR initiatives have been grouped according to the relevant area of jurisdiction.
Click to see a list of documents relating to the topic.